请致电免费评估- 844-991-9900

要求免费评估 844-991-9900



如果您有问题不在我们的常见问题解答中,请致电 844-991-9900 我们很乐意为您提供帮助. 我们全天候待命.

我们了解病人, 还有家庭成员, 朋友, 推荐来源, 之前有很多问题吗, 在, and after inpatient treatment so we have addressed many of the frequent questions.



Hendricks Behavioral Hospital offers specialty programs such as Seeking Safety for our adult dual diagnosis patients and mental health, Illness Management and Recovery for our adult intensive care patients and Zones of Regulation for our adolescent patients. These therapy models allow the opportunity for patients with similar issues to process in a group setting under the care of a psychiatrist.


Therapy is based on working with the patient in the development and integration of knowledge, identification of their individual triggers and development of self-regulation coping skills. 病人通过积极的治疗得到激励, 作业完成, 在支持病人的同时给予鼓励和激励. Emotional responses to trauma often trigger maladaptive behaviors which may present in aggression, 反对权威人物或其他有害行为. Being in a safe environment while the patient receives feedback and develops healthy coping skills is essential. 治疗的关键组成部分包括心理教育, 放松疗法,帮助病人连接思想, 感觉和行为. The successful outcomes will result in the patient integrating what has been learned in treatment, 病人与他人的关系如何,他们对未来的期望是什么.


认知行为疗法(CBT)是一种短期疗法, 目前面向, evidenced based therapy used to treat a wide variety of psychiatric disorders and psychological problems, 包括但不限于情绪障碍和焦虑症. CBT is individually tailored in order to build a strong therapeutic alliance and emphasizes collaboration and active participation from the treatment team and the patient. CBT是一种有时间限制的治疗方法,旨在关注当下. CBT的核心价值之一是教会患者如何识别, 评估, 并对他们不正常的想法做出反应, 行为和信念,以改变个人的思想, 情绪, 以及更健康的行为方式.


药物管理-主治精神病医生将评估, 在每位患者住院期间开具并监督其用药.

Case Management — A therapist will be assigned to each patient to assist them with coordination of aftercare appointments, 家庭及转介专业人士.

团体治疗-我们每天提供有执照的治疗师的团体治疗. Group therapy can be a powerful experience where patients can learn how to monitor their feelings, 想法和行动,在安全的环境中进行测试.


把你的衣服限制在一周内你需要的范围内. 建议穿休闲装.

随意换三到四套衣服. For example, casual pants or jeans, casual shirts, or comfortable, casual dresses. 请注意,不允许使用冒犯性或不恰当的标识. 洗衣通道提供洗衣液.

能维持三到四天的袜子和内衣. 请不要带筒袜或打底裤.



Toiletries: Comb, brush, deodorant, toothbrush, toothpaste, and rechargeable electric razor. 如果需要,我们会提供洗漱用品. (禁止使用玻璃或铝制容器, 没有镜子, 产品中不含酒精, 不要用吹风机或卷发棒.)

Medications: Please bring all your medications and provide a list of your current prescription and over-the-counter medications, 包括剂量和频率. HBH将只提供我们处方上的药物. 这可能不包括为某些医疗条件规定的药物.

电话号码:准备一份重要的电话号码清单, as you will not have immediate access to a cell phone while you are in treatment.


  • 请勿携带珠宝、金钱或其他贵重物品. 结婚戒指是合适的.
  • 禁止穿系带的衣服:运动裤, 运动短裤, 连帽衫, 睡衣, 系鞋带鞋, 伞绳首饰或手表, 等. 裤子上也不允许系腰带.
  • 智能手机等电子设备, 平板电脑, 笔记本电脑, 收音机, 手机, 闹钟或其他有绳子的物品.
  • 你自己的枕头、床单、毯子或毛绒玩具. 我们将为您提供住宿期间所需的所有床单和枕头.
  • 医院外的食物和饮料. 我们会为你提供正餐和零食. 任何特殊的饮食需求都可以与我们的营养师讨论.

All of a patient’s belongings will be reviewed by a qualified staff member and recorded on a Patient Property Inventory. This list of belongings will be reviewed with the patient and the patient will need to sign this form. 赌博排行前十网站不对损失负责, stolen or damaged articles listed under the “Items retained by the patient” section of the form.


当你第一次来到赌博排行前十网站时, 你将与我们的招生部门的成员见面. 为了保证你和你周围人的安全, you will be asked to place your belongings in a safe and secure location within our building. 您将被要求完成注册文件.

完成您的注册文件后, one of our professional mental health Intake staff will meet with you for a free mental health and/or addiction assessment. 一旦评估完成, our mental health professional will provide you with their recommendations on a level of care that is right for you. 如果你被我们的项目录取, 理财顾问会向你解释你目前的保险福利.


  • Form of state or federally issued ID (Parent’s ID if bringing in an adolescent)
  • 保险卡
  • 紧急赌搏排行前十网站
  • 目前的处方药清单
  • 如果在家里使用CPAP机
  • 重要的电话号码列表
  • 医疗授权书或监护文件,如果需要的话
  • 证明未成年人合法监护权的法律文件


  • 州签发的联邦身份证、保险卡
  • 您目前的心理健康提供者或其他医疗保健提供者的名单
  • 3到5天的休闲舒适的衣服,没有任何束缚
    • 1条睡衣(无拉绳,必须包括上衣和下装)
    • 3条裤子或合适的短裤(无绑带)
    • 3-5件长袖/短袖t恤
    • 2件运动衫、毛衣或夹克(无系带)
    • 3个胸罩(无钢圈)
    • 3-5条内衣
    • 3-5双袜子
    • 1双运动鞋、滑梯、拖鞋(不系鞋带)
    • 眼镜,助听器
    • Medications: inhalers, birth control pills and antibiotics if you are currently taking them
    • An accurate list of your current medications including dosage and frequency you take them
    • 牙膏和牙刷
    •  洗发水/护发素
    •  毛刷
    •  除臭
    • 女性卫生用品
    • Jewelry is limited to wedding ring only (please leave all other jewelry including any of significant value at home)
  • Basic hygiene kits will be provided to you at no cost if you don’t have those items
  • 所有的衣服必须有足够的遮盖. 如果员工认为衣服不合适(太紧), 太短, 冒犯他人, or dirty those items will be stored for you until you discharge from our facility
探访时间是什么时候?? 我的电话和上网特权是什么?2022-01-31T17:37:41-05:00


电话: Patients will be asked to provide 朋友 or family with a 4-digit code in order to receive phone calls 在 their stay. Hendricks Behavioral Hospital will not be able to confirm or deny if a patient is in our program without the caller providing the appropriate 4-digit code. Patients will provide a list of their approved contact list at admission or on their unit. 患者将能够在指定的通话时间与亲人取得联系. Phone calls may be limited in duration so that all patients may be able to reach their loved ones.

互联网特权: 病人在治疗期间不能上网. This allows the patient to fully participate in programming in a distraction free environment.

外面的食物: 为了安全, 卫生和饮食管理过程, family and 朋友 are not allowed to bring outside food and beverages 在 the stay.


每个病人都受到 HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) law that requires us to keep our patient’s identity confidential.

患者在入院时将获得一个唯一的4位数身份证号. They will have the opportunity to give their patient ID number to whomever they choose. 如果你还没有收到这个号码, please leave a message for the patient and if they are admitted to the hospital, our staff will give the patient a message that you are attempting to reach them. Receptionists or other hospital staff will not be able to confirm if a patient is admitted to the hospital without the patient ID. 如果病人不想提供身份证, 这是他们的权利,电话可能不予回复.

我们努力包括朋友, 病人的家属和转诊来源, 但我们尊重每位患者的隐私并遵守HIPAA法律.

如果你是一个转诊专业人士试图联系你的病人, please contact us and ask for one of our community liaisons to provide assistance.


赌博排行前十网站接受大多数商业保险, 管理医疗补助和医疗保险计划, 健康印第安纳计划, 为21岁以下患者提供医疗补助, 医疗保险和TRICARE®. 如需咨询财务顾问,请致电 844-991-9900 并要求商务办公室讨论任何财务问题.
